mmBNC Logo

About Us

mmBNC is a non-profit IRC bouncer provider

mmBNC was started privately on May 23, 2013, when I (Matt) decided that I wanted to contribute to the IRC Network and provide free bouncers to friends and users. After giving a few friends some bouncers, I decided to make mmBNC a public provider so that anyone could have a bouncer. Since then, mmBNC has encountered occasional cyber threats, like DDOS attacks, but that never failed to shut down my provider. I don't plan on discontinuing my provider as long as IRC servers are still an active thing that people, like myself, are interested in. I keep mmBNC up to date with the latest version of ZNC and make sure the rest of the server is updated as well.


Matt (USA) - Founder, Server Owner, Website Designer



Chicago, IL - USA


ZNC LogoZNC 1.8.2 - IRC Bouncer Software

Bootstrap LogoBootstrap 5.3.3 - Website Responsive Framework

Debian LogoDebian 11 - Operating System

nginx Logonginx 1.24.0 - Web Server

MariaDB LogoMariaDB 10.5.23 - Database Server

PHP LogoPHP 7.4.33 - PHP Server


RackNerd LogoRackNerd - VPS Server Provider

Last Updated: 5/20/2024